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Saliva collection kit with DNA/RNA Shield

Swab collection kits in stock nowThe DNA/RNA Shield™ Saliva Collection Kit from Zymo Research is a DNA and RNA saliva collection kit designed for the collection and preservation of nucleic acids from saliva samples. This kit takes a microbial snapshot of a sample while inactivating viruses making samples safe and ready for transport. Samples stored in the these kits are stable at ambient temperature and can be frozen for longer-term storage.

Users simply deposit saliva into the spit cup, add the DNA/RNA Shield reagent and shake vigorously to ensure proper stabilisation.DNA RNA Shield Saliva Collection Kit

DNA/RNA Shield
DNA/RNA Shield is a DNA and RNA stabilisation solution that preserves the genetic integrity and expression profiles of samples at ambient temperatures, whilst completely inactivating infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites). This unique solution prevents degradation from freeze-thaw cycling and unexpected freezer failures, allowing ambient temperature shipping.
Find out more about DNA/RNA Shield.


Technical specifications

Applicable for Next-Generation Sequencing, qPCR, microarray
Device specs Saliva collection tube; DNA/RNA Shield (2 ml)
Reagent storage Ambient temperature = > 2 years
Registration status FDA-emergency use authorisation CE-IVD certified
Sample collection 2 ml saliva collection
Sample source Saliva
Sample stability RNA: Ambient temperature (4°C- 25°C) > 1 month
DNA: Ambient temperature (4°C- 25°C) > 2 years
DNA & RNA: Frozen (< -20°C): Indefinitely

Material available for download
DNA/RNA Shield Saliva Collection Kit user manual
DNA/RNA Shield Saliva Collection Kit MSDS
Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 with DNA/RNA Shield

Saliva Collection Kit, DNA Shield, Zymo Research


Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
DNA/RNA Shield Saliva Collection Kit – Dx (1 x 2 ml fill) CE-IVD R1210-E · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
1 pce POA
1 pce