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RNA from plant samples: Quick-RNA

The Quick-RNA™ Plant Miniprep Kit from Zymo Research isolates intact total RNA from plant samples including leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruit and seeds. Using ultra-high density BashingBead™ technology to ensure efficient sample lysis, this kit produces inhibitor-free RNA ideal for use in Next-Gen sequencing, RT-PCR, microarray, hybridisation and other sensitive downstream applications.

Benefits of using the Quick-RNA Plant Miniprep Kit
• Intact, inhibitor-free, total RNA (including small/micro RNAs) isolated
• Complete sample lysis and disruption
• Compatible with leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruit and seeds
• Suitable for all sensitive downstream applications including Next-Gen sequencing, RT-PCR, microarray and hybridisation

Quick-RNA Environmental Kits remove PCR inhibitors using Zymo-Spin™III-HRC filters

Quick-RNA™ Environmental Kits removed PCR inhibitors using the Zymo-Spin™III-HRC  Filter.

RNA  from  a  Nicotiana sp.  leaf  was  spiked  with  humic  acid,  and  RNA  was  isolated  with  and  without  the Zymo-Spin III-HRC Filter. RT-qPCR detected early amplification for the filter treated samples compared to the untreated samples (cp = 30 vs. 31)

Material available for download
Quick-RNA Plant Miniprep Kit protocol

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Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
Quick-RNA Plant MiniPrep™ Kit R2024 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
50 preparations £432.00
50 preparations