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COVID-19 wastewater RNA extraction kit

The Environ™ Water RNA kit from Zymo Research simplifies COVID-19 wastewater analysis by increasing viral enrichment, inactivating pathogens and improving the limits of detection. Offering high RNA recovery with a low elution volume, this optimised kit has a limit of detection (LOD) of just 8 copies per sample, enabling effective SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance and the earliest detection of COVID-19 outbreaks.

Benefits of using the Environ Water RNA kitZymo Environ Water RNA kit
• Increased RNA yields for early outbreak detection
• Enrich total RNA from large volumes (≤ 5 ml) and transform into small sample pellets for easy processing
• Inactivates infectious agents and pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites) for safe handling using DNA/RNA Shield™
• Limit of detection of just 8 copies/sample
• Low elution volume: ≥6 µl
• Remove PCR inhibitors in one spin
• Concentrated RNA is ready for any downstream application including RT-qPCR, RTddPCR and next-generation sequencing (NGS)

The Zymo Environ Water RNA kit includes Water Concentrating Buffer™ (WCB) to increase viral recovery by 8-fold

The Zymo Environ Water RNA kit includes Water Concentrating Bufferâ„¢ (WCB) to increase viral recovery by 8-fold

5 ml of SARS-CoV-2 positive wastewater was processed with and without WCB (n=2). RT-qPCR showed the addition of WCB shifted average Ct values earlier by ~3 (an 8-fold increase in viral recovery).

Extracted wastewater RNA is free of PCR inhibitors

Extracted wastewater RNA is free of PCR inhibitors

50K HeLa cells were spiked into DNA/RNA Shield (positive extraction control) and into wastewater RNA was extracted (n=2) and RT-qPCR (Quasar 670) analysis showed the ΔCt is <0.5, indicating the extraction system effectively removes inhibitors in wastewater. Samples were compared to a RT-qPCR plate positive control which amplified at 23.01 Ct.

• SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance
• COVID-19 outbreak detection
• Downstream applications inclide RT-qPCR, RTddPCR and NGS

Materials available for download
Zymo Environ Water RNA flyer
Zymo Environ Water RNA kit datasheet
Zymo Environ Water RNA kit protocol


Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
Zymo Environ Water RNA Kit R2042 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
50 preparations £491.00
50 preparations
Water Concentrating Buffer R2042-1-8 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
8 ml £13.00
8 ml
Water Concentrating Buffer R2042-1-140 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
140 ml £170.00
140 ml