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Bisulphite-free DNA methylation analysis kits: OneStep qMethyl

The OneStep qMethyl kits from Zymo Research offer a simple, straightforward and bisulphite-free procedure for rapid, locus-specific DNA methylation analysis. With a one-step protocol and short processing time, the OneStep qMethyl kits are ideal for single- and multi-locus DNA methylation analysis.

Benefits of Using the OneStep qMethyl KitsOneStep-qMethyl
• Bisulphite-free quantification
• Easy one-step protocol
• Short workflow - 4 ½ hours processing time
• Cost effective
• Ideal for single- and multi-locus DNA methylation analysis

Two formats are available:

OneStep qMethyl-PCR Kit This is a fully self-contained kit including SYTO®9 qPCR indicator
OneStep qMethyl-Lite This kit does not contain the SYTO®9 indicator allowing the use of alternative qPCR indicators

Material available for download
OneStep qMethyl Kit user manual
OneStep qMethyl-Lite user manual

OneStep qMethyl citations


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