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Exosome RNA amplification & profiling: SeraMir

The SeraMir™ kit from System Biosciences enables researchers to go from serum sample to amplified exosomal RNAs in just one day. Using ExoQuick™ solution to isolate exosomes, the SeraMir kit enables the 3’ tailing and simultaneous tagging of both 5’ and 3’ ends during cDNA synthesis ready for qPCR. Primers for PCR amplification are included to make double-stranded cDNA that is ready to generate sense-strand exoRNAs for T7 IVT, with amplified exoRNAs suitable for microarrays and next-generation sequencing applications.

Benefits of using SeraMir
• Fast and simple one-step exosome isolation - no ultracentrifugation
• Cross species and sample compatibility
• Low sample requirements
• Compatible with frozen sample types
• Produces cleaner RNA - ideal for downstream applications
• Reduces variability - isolate exosomes first
• Increased sensitivity - amplified exoRNAs
• Compatible with qPCR

How SeraMir works

Isolate serum exosomes and purify exoRNAs

SeraMir: Isolate serum exosomes and purify exoRNAs

Tail exoRNAs and synthesise double-tagged cDNA

SeraMir: Tail exoRNAs and synthesize double-tagged cDNA


Use the SeraMir spike-in RNA control in a qPCR assay to control for exoRNA recovery, tailing, and cDNA synthesis

SeraMir: Use the SeraMir spike-in RNA control in a qPCR assay to control for exoRNA recovery, tailing, and cDNA synthesis.

Material available for download
AACR SeraMir poster
SeraMir Exosome RNA Amplification Kit product sheet
SeraMir Exosome RNA Amplification Kit user manual


Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
SeraMir 3'-Universal Primer (10,000 qPCR reactions) RA800P-3 · System Biosciences
System Biosciences
10000 reactions £136.00
10000 reactions