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riboPOOLs for ribosomal RNA depletion

riboPOOLs are an affordable and flexible solution for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) depletion or other custom RNAs from any species from siTOOLs. Composed of high complexity pools of optimally-designed biotinylated DNA probes, riboPOOLs allow the efficient removal of abundant rRNAs from total RNA samples isolated from prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells or tissues. 

Benefits of using riboPOOL
• Highly efficient and specific
• Any species
• Low cost solution
• Deplete custom RNA
• Applicable for nonpolyadenylated RNA
• Custom scales available

riboPOOLs can be provided as either:
• Probes alone with nuclease-free water. Please refer to the protocol for reagents required.
• Complete riboPOOL kits that include buffer, steptavidin-magnetic beads & ethanol precipitation reagents.

riboPOOL workflow

riboPOOL workflow

riboPOOL technology
riboPOOLs consist of complex mixtures of single-stranded 3’biotinylated oligonucleotide-probes designed to specifically hybridise with all ribosomal RNAs of the target species. Ribosomal RNAs bound to riboPOOL-probes are efficiently removed from the samples by streptavidin-conjugated magnetic beads. riboPOOLs work independent of RNA polyadenylation and can be applied for any downstream application e.g. NGS library preparation.

riboPOOL formats
Choose from a diverse list of ready-made riboPOOLs or custom-design a riboPOOL for any species or RNA of choice.

riboPOOLs may be combined in custom ratios to form a combination riboPOOL that can be used for samples across multiple species

Material available for download
riboPOOL kit protocol
riboPOOL probes protocol
riboPOOL brochure
Pan-prokaryote riboPOOL flyer
Pan-Plant flyer
New pan-prokaryote riboPOOLs flyer
riboPOOL application note - efficient ribosomal RNA depletion across multiple species & input amounts in 70 mins

riboPOOL citations

Ribo-Zero is a trademark of Illumina, Inc


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